October 4, 2010

good night Mrs. Robbinson

took the time to do the Facebook update - I guess I'm now super cool and plugged in.  To bad I don't have power, water, internet, etc. at my swinging pad - but the stars are bright as the first cool fingers of fall gather like willow wisps after the sun sets / coyotes aren't bad company if they stay up on the hills were they seem to run each night and the sound of the Whip-poor-will and the owls reminds me that all hallows eve isn't far off.  Sometimes I jump at my own shadow now, maybe the haints are closer than I want to immagine and the ghosting hulk of the old house on the hill above where I call home now catches the last rays of sunset in a manner a bit more haunting now that the days are shortening.

Ahh - suns up in a few hours, best head down the road.  best to all