October 28, 2010

the solution or the problem...

I'm definitely jaded and probably just as guilty as the next. But, to much XM Radio and conversations with folks on the outside (starting to feel more and more like the reverse of the “boys” in Lord of the Flies – to be explained at a later date). Your either a part of the problem or part of the solution, if your the later – then you need to get out of the way. As of late it seems that the majority of the population, “sheeple”, comprise the problem side of things – leaving few, if any folks that can comprise the solution. The radio is plaguing me as of late, so the logical solution should be to turn it off, but not always being logical, I haven't and probably won't.
One side blames the current “dream team” that comprises those on the Hill and the Oval office team – which seems to me completely unrealistic in most instances (with a number of notable exceptions of true “worthlessness” on the Hill) – given the American sheeple seem to believe wholesale policy change and reversal of course can be effected in the course of a 2-4 year term, without having even a smidgin of a clue on how things really “operate” in DC. But, I'm sure the talking heads on radio and TV do... right??? Even though it's apparent that most utilize a STRICT interpretation of the US constitution -(their own).
The other side blames the other side, the past, the Hill and the Courts and also seems to utilize a STRICT interpretation of the US constitution - also, imo, their own. What a surprise....
No one seems to realize that the Hill, for the most part, is run by “staff” and lobbying efforts. Even if the faces change – they still hire staff and the staff, for the most part, is both legacy and foisted upon the newcomer by others. Fix the problem requires a solution – solution is probably along the lines of what the framers thought, ergo keep folks out of DC for as much of the time as possible – but ego seems to play such a big role not sure what that would take.
Go to the “non-political” side of things – i.e. talk radio – financial advice, what do I get – whiners trying to get advice on how to walk away from homes, credit cards, student loans, blah – blah – blah …
I get the sense that the entire American populous/ass (or at least a substantial majority) seems to be walking aimlessly around in circles like Pooh in search of a Heffalump – and there is no Christopher Robin on the horizon, as far as I can tell.
Here at home on the range.... there are few problems, mostly solutions – as folks don't have time for problems. Yes there are opinions, ergo the current Commander in Chief isn't widely regarded, but neither was the last one. The polarizing issues that seem to occupy the airwaves and (if you care to listen) bode clearly towards an end of America as we know it (this is the message that comes through when the “trusted hosts” aren't selling gold, freeze dried food supplies, books, etc.) - aren't issues out here. Apocalyptic predictions, anarchists movements and racist/homophobic jokes aren't widespread and the biggest (actually, only as far as I can tell) racist, is a dear friend of mine (who is currently not speaking to me because he's mad about some comment a friend made about something and I'm sure by now - know one remembers what it was anyway) who happens to look a lot like Sidney P and is black, by golly.
I have to go home to my woods .. goodnight virginia