October 14, 2010

for crying out loud...

SO - comment after comment, no-one can read the "blog" as the text is too small - either it is -or- my group of friends/family and "other" has begun to reach that "age".  The last three days has been a total immersion in all things "small town", harvest in the heartland and a somewhat futile attempt on my part to get anything done that is on my ever increasing "list of things that MUST be done. 
I'm going to have to come back and fill in the last few days sometime in the near future as in the past 72 (+-) hours:
  •  I've had trucks break down, blow up, run out of fuel, etc. - no less than 8 times,
  • combine break downs - 2+,
  • lost my phone under 300,000+ bushels of corn,
  • had one trip to the emergency room (not me - but was the result of a fairly hair raising, road side heater hose explosion),
  • covered repeatedly in enough dust to keep an entire building (10 story, at least) full of  OCD speed freaks busy cleaning for at least the next decade plus, and 
that's not even beginning to cover things.  I've had, maybe, 8 hours of sleep combined - so to decrease the risk of making even less sense than I am now - I'm signing off.
Remember though - tomorrow, thank a farmer if you put something to eat in you mouth!