October 6, 2010

cash in the pocket

ice and Eskimos / birds and trees - they always said I could sell the later and talk the others down ....
Stuck with some 1,000 pieces of misc. automotive/wiring/testing, etc. from my somewhat humbling foray into the world of country auctions and on the hook to Duane for $$'s - what does one do??? Take the advice of a friend and pack up the old truck, drive into town, write some half legible "SALE 60-85% Discount" signs on pieces of cardboard and sit on the side of the road until it sells - Right? 
Well, kinda sorta - I made $5!! But, this is MY TOWN (or at least is filled with MY friends), so after some harassing and snide comments, the guidance that I was seeking was given.  Actually, I showed up at the Eagles lodge and the advice was dispensed from the poker table.  Today, showed up for lunch in town - and some 6 hours later, with all manner of humor, political conversations, haggling and much fun to be had by all (except Lola who's been a miserable pup since about 2pm) - 60%+ is sold / and I'm closer to being in the black than yesterday's lunch special....

none of this probably made sense, but I've had a heck of a time anyway.  And who would have thunk it?  As some silly country song once said (not sure what it said, but it has to sum up the last few days/by golly)........

Goodnight Virginia...and Richmond to!