October 8, 2010

best laid plans of mice and men, I had one but I'm off again....

So the idea, parked in the back of my head early this am, that I'd actually put some creative thoughts on paper early this evening was misguided to say the least.  Now I'm looking west at the first big storm in the last few weeks and realize that I'm hopeless.  Hopeless at planning anything that requires forecasting any proximity to a time-frame closer than the right month.  (ergo - it's not to farfetched a thought to imagine asking someone the time/date  and following a response like "7pm on the 8th of October", I have to honestly ask, "what year?")
The blasts of white light out on the western horizon (plus my nifty linkup to weatherunderground) and the fact that I swear I've seen at least two small dogs, a cat (calico I think) blow by and dust devils the size of that giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from GhostBusters (ok now I dated myself) coming across the road PROBABLY are a strong indicator that I need to head west, like NOW....
The home base is currently under a revamp - so I have a number of items sitting out and about (yes - you might be a red-neck jokes could apply), none of which need to get wet, much less soaked.  This includes but is not limited to my bob-cat skin,  gum ball machine, 200 burlap sacks, antique scale and two or three boxes of "misc" items that I have no idea what is contained within.  By the by,  I was certain that when I bought the boxes last weekend that at least one contained a previously unknown copy of the Louisiana purchase or something equally as valuable. I think the words "eklectic collection" might apply - or you could just say he's a bit of a pack-rat (hey maybe I could be on one of those reality shows).
So much for plans - I think Scarlett O'Hara said something about them being nonsense anyway, and Southern gals no their stuff!
Now I hear a tornado ....and this is Kansas - AND I live in a trailer.............................